Cohiba is a brand for two kinds of Premium cigar, one produced in Cuba for Habanos S.A, the Cuban state-owned tobacco company, and the other produced in the Dominican Republic for US-based General Cigar Company. Introduced in 1966 At first, Cohiba cigars were considered only for protocol cigars made solely for Cuban officals and diplomats and just limited amount of Cohiba produced until 1982. In 1982, it was first released commercially for sale to the public and Cohiba has received some of the highest scores like a 93 out of 100 from Cigar Aficionada and a 90 from Blind Man’s Puff. By the time Cohiba was offered the public, it came out in three different sizes: Lanceros, Coronas Especiales and Panetelas. In 1989 it was decided to add the following three more sizes to complete the classic line: Esplendidos, Robustos and Exquisitos. Also In 1992 5 new sizes were made in order to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the discovery of Cuba in 1492. The sizes: Siglo I,II,III,IV and V.