Founded in 1845 by Don Jaime Partagas, Partagas cigars are known as one of the oldest and most well-known Cuban cigar brands. Just like in the early, Partagas cigars are made with the best Vuelta Abajo tobacco. The Partagas factory is located behind The Capitol building in Havana. These beautiful cigars are characterized as full, rich, and filled with earthy flavors. Partagas cigars come in a wide array of shapes and sizes, and the best known series are D No.4, the Lusitania and the 8-9-8. All Partagas cigars’ totalmente a mano,tripa larga’ totally handmade. In 1867,1878 and 1898 Partagas cigars won three medals in international expositions took place in Paris. Partagas cigars would be a good choice for those seeking a medium-strong cigar with rich and earthy taste.