Refund Policy

In order to receive a refund for your order;
1. Ordered product must be out of stock at the time of payment (full refund).
2. If customer wants to cancel order after completion of payment, a partial refund is being made due to refund fee being deducted from your payment, which is applied by payment provider. This amount differs from the payment method you choose, it's usually a 20%.
3. OneCubanCigar will re-ship a new package if it's considered as lost. Otherwise OneCubanCigar will refund product price deducting the 50% and the shipping cost (for example if the product is seized by customs).

If customer wants to cancel order just send us an email about your cancel request. Your request will be done asap. You can request this option only if your package has not been shipped.

In order for a customer to ask for a chargeback from their bank, OneCubanCigar  should not be obeying any of the rules stated above and this situation must be proved by valid documents to customer's bank. Any fraud attempts are subject to legal action taken by OneCubanCigar and its legal representatives against responsible individuals.